Pay retired civil servants the £1500 Cost-of-Living award

PCS members and civil servants were paid up to £1500 by their employer department earlier this year.  The payment, which followed a period of targeted and sustained industrial action by PCS members, was in recognition of the impact of spiralling inflation and its affect on the cost-of living for thousands of civil servants.

The payment, whilst being welcome, does not go far enough to address the key demands of the PCS pay claim for 2022/23 year.  PCS members voted recently to accept the NECs recommendations on how to take the national pay campaign forward and you can read more details about that here.

Additionally, it poses problems for members in receipt of Universal Credit, and the union is lobbying for the payment to be exempted from Universal Credit.  PCS launched an e-petition via the TUC, which you are encouraged to support.

PCS members who retired from the civil service in the 2022/23 pay year should also receive a proportion of the payment.  This e-action invites you to contact your local MP, calling on them to support our claim to make a similar payment to staff that retired in the year to 31 March 2023, or who left the civil service in the 2023/24 pay year but before the payment was made.

Take two minutes to email your MP today.